There are a huge number of means to increase potency, the effectiveness of which varies. But why resort to extreme measures and immediately ingest "chemicals" if you can turn to effective folk remedies. Exercise is not only an opportunity to effectively improve potency, but also an opportunity to improve overall health. The main thing is to knowwhat exercises can help.
Let's look at the best physical exercises to increase potency in men that can be done at home.
PC muscle exercises at home
This workout involves alternating tension and relaxation of the genital muscles. Training the PC muscle not only develops potency strength, pelvic and reproductive muscle tone, but also tones the prostate. The suggested exercises are performed regularly:
- They stimulate the release of male hormones in the blood;
- Elimination of premature ejaculation;
- Significantly enhance pleasant sensations during orgasm;
- Improves sperm quality and sperm motility, increasing the likelihood of successful conception;
- Enrichment of the pelvic organs with oxygen;
- Building immunity against urinary tract infections;
- Protects against impotence and other abnormalities in the genitourinary system;
- They are an excellent prevention of prostate and pelvic cancer.
To train and strengthen most muscles on the computer, you should start with the simplest exercises, gradually increasing the load. So, during the first two or three days, it is enough to hold the stream of urine for a few seconds each time you urinate by tensing the relevant muscles. In this case, it is advisable not to strain the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen, although it is difficult at first. Muscle contraction and tension occurs three to four times during each trip to the bathroom. Then you can move on to full exercise.
- Heat while lying, standing or sitting. Contract and relax the PC muscle by counting from 1 to 60. Each action takes 1 second. This means that one set of 60 muscle contractions will take exactly one minute. Then rest for 20 seconds. Three sets of 60 grips. Rest for 20 seconds between sets.
- blinking. To be performed lying down, standing or sitting. Inhale through the nose, exhale sharply through the mouth, holding your breath, and squeeze the PC muscle together with the facial muscles. Stay in this state for ten seconds, then relax for ten seconds, inhale and repeat the exercise from the beginning, doing three sets of ten repetitions. Rest one minute between sets.
- The lifting exercise can be performed lying down, standing, sitting. You should count from 1 to 8. On one PC muscle, you should lightly squeeze and hold in this position for five seconds, counting "two" - squeeze a little harder and hold for another five seconds, counting "three" even more-strong and also hold Count "eight" PC muscle should be squeezed as much as possible. Holding it in this state for 10 seconds, start moving the elevator down, seven - slightly relax the muscle and hold for five seconds, six - a little more to relieve the tension in the muscle and hold for five seconds and so on until " one ", when the muscle is completely relaxed. Breathe calmly, without delay. Two sets of five repetitions. Rest between sets for a minute or two.
- The staircase is performed standing, lying down or sitting. The technique is the same as in the "lifting" exercise, but there is no need to stay on the floor for five seconds, just as there is no need to hold the muscle in a state of maximum tension for 10 seconds. Breathe calmly, without slowing down. Repeat the exercise ten times in a row withoutrest.
Kegel exercises to increase potency and improve prostate health
In addition to physical activity, which should take at least 30 minutes a day, it is worth finding time for intimate Kegel exercises, which will allow you to prolong intercourse and control ejaculation. Kegel muscles are located around the pubic bone and prostate gland. You may feel them when you try to stop the flow of urine while urinating.
These are the muscles that are responsible for the movement of the penis during an erection. The easiest way to train Kegel muscles is to contract and relax them on purpose. The first effects of regular daily exercise should appear within three weeks.
Prostatitis is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction and even sexual impotence, so it is very important to treat it with medication and physical therapy. Kegel exercises are best for this and should be performed as follows:
- Alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic muscles, for this you need to pull the buttocks into the pelvis (perform the exercise several times, gradually increasing the load);
- Strong stoppage of the urination process up to 6 times (the penis should be as tense and relaxed as possible);
- Tension of the pelvic muscles and delay in this state for a few seconds, followed by relaxation (it is necessary to gradually increase the duration of the delays).
All these sets of exercises can be performed, based on your own preference, in a lying, sitting or standing position.
Spinning a hoop

Spinning with a hoop is one of the most common exercises that we are familiar with from school. Despite the fact that at school we performed the exercise with a hoop more than once, many do not even know how to perform the exercise correctly. In order for hooping to help improve potency, you need to perform the exercise correctly. But the potency exercise itself is no different from the classic version.
- Choose a hoop that reaches your chest or waist when you're standing sideways.
- Step into the hoop.
- Move your hands to the edges of the hoop.
- Spin the hoop. If you are right-handed, twist the hoop firmly counter-clockwise. If you are left-handed, turn it clockwise.
- Keep turning the hoop. Continue to move your waist in a circular motion, relaxing it and aim for the hoop to wrap around your waist.
Moving the buttocks on the floor from a sitting position

Many people think that it is impossible to perform this exercise, but if you follow all the steps correctly according to the instructions, it will not only be easy to do, but also effective.
- Sit on the floor. At the back point, extend your legs forward.
- Your arms can be outstretched or bent at the elbows, whichever is more comfortable for you.
- And in this position we try to move our butt at least 2 meters forward and as much back.
- Alternately rearrange your buttocks, step forward and backward. Try to walk as far as possible each time.
- At first glance, it seems impossible, but it improves men's health very well. This is such an old proven method.
Leg lift, birch
Everyone knows the "birch" exercise. Many people think that you only need to raise your legs from a lying position, but the exercise requires preparation. Birch will not only help get rid of potency problems, but will also have a positive effect on the condition of the spinepillar. If you suffer from back pain, then the exercise will give an additional positive effect. The main thing is to perform the exercise correctly, observing all the rules and requirements.
The essence of birch is that:
- Lie on your back and lift your legs vertically up, support your lower back with your hands resting on your elbows and shoulders.
- Keep your legs straight for 15-20 seconds and lower them. Repeat the procedure for 3 minutes.
- The neck should be relaxed.
- For advanced players, you can complicate the task by taking the correct position and starting to spread your legs to the side and rotate them.
Lotus pose to increase potency in men
Padmasana, or lotus pose, is a sitting posture for meditation and relaxation in yoga. Padma means "lotus" and refers to this auspicious symbol in many yoga teachings.
In Padmasana, you cross your legs and place your feet on the creases of your thighs, resembling the folded petals of a lotus flower. Although the concept of Padmasana sounds simple, the pose is considered advanced. Accomplishing Padmasana does not make you a better yogi or a more spiritual person, but it does provide some benefits for those who can find comfort in this pose.
The anatomy of your hip or knee may prevent you from finding Padmasana. Sometimes, however, proper warm-up exercises can prepare the body by stretching the ankles, knees, hips, and sacrum. You can prepare your body for Padmasana by practicing the following asanas:
- Virasana (Hero Pose). Sit on your knees, sitting on your heels with a straight spine. Place your feet on the outside of your thighs, toes pointing back and ankles parallel to your shins, while the seat rests on the mat. Press your glutes into the mat, keeping your heels in contact with your thighs. If your glutes don't touch the ground, you can use a towel or block for support.
- Your knees may move slightly apart. Take the pose even further by tucking your chin in to your chest to stretch the back of your spine, or lie flat on your back to stretch the front of your body and psoas. To lie on your back, reach your right hand toward your right heel, then your left hand toward your left heel.
- Then the elbows find the mat, then the shoulders and the back of the head. Extend your arms overhead, reaching opposite elbows. Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, working up to 20 breaths. Slowly come out of this pose.
- Sit in Dandasana (Staff Pose). Bend your right knee and place your shin in support with your right foot in the crook of your left elbow and your right knee in the crook of your right elbow. Wrap your hands under your shins and hold this pose to stretch your hip, ankle and sacrum.
- Try to avoid rounding your shoulders and back. Repeat on the other side. Then start again on the right side, bringing your ankle to the crease of your left thigh. Let the sole of your right foot face the sky. The hip should open and the knee should drop under the thigh. Once you achieve it, repeat the exercise with the opposite leg.
Scissors for exercise, bicycle
Everyone knows the "bicycle" exercise from childhood, which is performed lying on the floor. But if you perform the bicycle incorrectly, you will not be able to achieve the desired effect. First, you must always keep your back straight. The legs must be tense. Every exercise mustis performed in several approaches.

- Lie on your back, hands behind your head, knees bent. Take twelve quick breaths and exhale through your belly. Then move your pelvis left and right as if rubbing your tailbone.
- Stand on the ground with your knees raised high.
- Standing with bent knees, tense and relax the buttocks with maximum effort.
- Also, with your legs bent, lift your heels off the floor one at a time. In this case, the socks should remain motionless. Perform the exercise at maximum speed.
- Lie on your back, put your feet on the floor, bend your knees. Raise and lower the pelvis.
- Lying on your back, tense and relax the muscles located between the scrotum and the buttocks, the so-called "muscle strength". Do it with maximum effort. The exercise is similar to holding urination.
Plank with knee bend

The plank is a challenging exercise that helps train all muscle groups. But you can achieve the desired effect of increasing potency if you add some elements to the classic exercise.
- Take the position after connecting - stop lying on your hands. Arms straight or slightly bent at the elbows, rest your palms on the floor. Legs stretched back.
- Now we begin to pull the knee of one leg to the stomach, bring it back and then the knee of the other leg.
- Do 3 such approaches with breaks 10 times. This counts as 2 squats on each leg.
- Gradually you can increase the rhythm.
A good practice to accelerate the blood in the muscles of the groin and pelvis.
This tightening of the legs and knees is taken not only from a set of physical exercises for potency and erection. This is still done in crossfit and martial arts warm-ups.
Running in place with knees up

Running is an effective exercise. But there is not always a real opportunity to go for a run regularly. Sometimes a busy schedule makes regular exercise difficult, and sometimes the weather just doesn't allow you to leave the house. Sure, you can go to the gym or buy a treadmill. But on the other hand, why spend money if you can do everything yourself. Also, you can run in place in any conditions at home or even in the office.
- Standing, back straight, hands down.
- Actively walk in place, lifting your knees high, reaching your chest.
Start with thirty lifts on each leg, work up to fifty.
Pressing the knees to the body in a standing position
Pressing the knees to the body is an exercise that will help you increase the level of flexibility and affect the condition of the muscles in the desired area.
- The point is that we raise our knees to shoulder level alternately with different legs while standing.
- Lift right knee to right shoulder, left knee to left shoulder.
- Some find it comfortable to do all this while jumping, moving a little forward, while others find it comfortable to stand still and jump.
- Keep your back straight. The main thing is to raise your knee as high as possible.
- You can do 3-4 sets of 10 lifts on both legs in turn, with breaks.
Physical exercises "boat" to improve potency

- In a sitting position, bend your knees, spread them in different directions and rotate your legs towards each other.
- When connecting the supports, move them as close to the groin as possible. The palms hold the feet.
- The back should be straight, not narrowed, looking forward, not down. It is not difficult for yogis to take such a position.
- Now we try to lower the elbows to the legs so that our knees touch the floor.
- Hold the pressure for a few seconds, keeping your knees on the floor, then relax.
- This Eastern practice can be attributed to the Chinese physical exercises for potency, which are still encountered by Tibetan monks.
- Choose a norm where there is medium tension and no pain, gradually increase the load. No bigotry. All this will stretch the groin muscles and improve the blood flow in the pelvis.
Can Cardio Exercise Be Helpful?

Cardio exercises can be beneficial because they increase endurance, which can indirectly affect the quality of potency.
In each training complex, the number of repetitions of one approach starts from 10 and gradually increases to 25. It is recommended to combine strength training, gymnastics, cardio training and do not forget about the benefits of morning exercises. This is a good opportunity to remove congestion in the prostate gland, normalize the concentration of the hormone testosterone and ensure fulfilling sex. If such a health problem occurs, it is recommended to start potency exercises at home yesterday, the delay is fraught with serious complications for men's health.
In what situations can exercise help?
The listed exercises to increase potency in men will naturally solve the difficulties. First, the whole body is treated, and secondly, the muscles are trained, blood circulation improves, including in the corpora cavernosa. Improving blood supply to the pelvic area and genitals is the basis of all therapy.
In situations of complete impotence, these exercises will not bring any effect.
Perform all exercises regularly, preferably daily, so as not to reduce the effect obtained.
During the first training sessions, the number of repetitions of each movement should be minimal to avoid overstraining the untrained muscles and to prevent the formation of muscle microfibres. With the development of skills, the number of repetitions should be increased, and the time to perform each exercise should be increased to 3-5 minutes.
Men with chronic illnesses should consult a doctor before starting exercise. Great care must be taken after operations, especially on the abdominal cavity.
How else can you normalize blood flow to the pelvis?

Strength is a state when blood flows to the pelvis and the necessary vessels are filled with oxygen. From a medical point of view, everything is simple, but the question remains how to achieve such an effect. There are a number of universal rules that will help achieve the desired result and, as a result, increase potency. Rules to follow to increase potency:
- Select a ladder, no elevator, even up to the 5-6th floor. If you regularly climb the stairs on foot, the legs and pelvic area will be trained. The muscles will be stretched and warmed, and the blood will flow normally to the pelvic area.
- Walk to work. Doctors say you should take at least 10, 000 steps a day, and that's true. But there is not always enough time for walks. You can combine business and pleasure, that is, give up personal or public transport and walk to work. It will also help you save some money.
- Morning exercises should become a habit. Set aside 10 minutes for daily exercise to stay alert and active throughout the day.
The eating habits of our time are detrimental to male sexual activity - fast food, rich in fat and simple carbohydrates, but poor in vitamins and minerals. It is estimated that up to 57% of cases of erectile dysfunction in men over 50 are caused by atherosclerotic changes in the reproductive organs caused by a diet rich in animal fat.
A potency diet should include healthy fats, foods rich in zinc, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin B6. To improve erection at home, your daily diet should consist of healthy foods that increase libido.
You can include physical exercises to increase potency and tone your body in your daily exercises or perform them separately. Yoga in such cases is also called upon to provide considerable assistance in bringing the intimate force back 'to life'; it is an effective and efficient progress.